Institute for Transformation and Innovation

A MOU between Three Nations and Mount Allison University’s Research Partnerships in Education and Community Engagement (R-PEACE) group was created in recognition that the status quo for Indigenous education in New Brunswick has not contributed to Indigenous students reaching their potential. 

Through the collaboration of Three Nations leadership and Mount Allison University, an Institute will be created at Mount Allison to share ideas between the partners on how the education of Indigenous students can be transformed to address the individual, civic and economic wellbeing of students. This is Mount Allison's only Institute and is action-based on community-supported work in the three largest First Nation communities in New Brunswick.

The goal of the Institute will be to collaborate with Indigenous schools sharing ideas, planning together and not demonstrating a top down approach which is often the present situation.  Students right now are not engaged in schools, so one main goal of the Institute is to make learning for students a meaningful experience. This approach will reduce dropouts and prepare students to be ready for the present and the future. Community assets will be valued as will the input of parents and other interested community members.

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Having a community-led, research-based institute at a leading New Brunswick-based university for the exchange of ideas shows the seriousness of this issue, allows for high-end research and attracts financial resources to create the educational changes needed, adopting a social and economic model through community-led support. The Institute at Mount Allison will be an independent institution at Mount Allison and will not be controlled by any department at the university. The Institute will focus on the innovation and transformation of education for Indigenous students and will plan, develop, and work collaboratively with Indigenous school leadership. Professional development of teachers and principals will be a critical aspect of the Institute.

 We expect many other partners to join the Institute from various levels of government, as well as other universities and business. The Institute is already partnering with the Graduate School of Education at Harvard University as the first international and Indigenous member organization on community-supported education. The Institute will not only have an impact on New Brunswick students, but eventually impact the education of Indigenous students across Canada. The Institute will have a goal of providing best practice examples for not only Indigenous students but will be a model for the education of all students in provincial schools.

The Institute will be expected to communicate with Three Nations leadership on an ongoing basis and also to make a formal report each year for feedback on the Institute’s performance.

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To learn more about ITE, check out their YouTube channel here.

ITE’s Facebook page can be found here.

Fiona Black